Armand Poetry

Welcome to Armand Poetry. The poems (and other words) here are composed for my own thought and amusement. Comment and discussion are welcome. -Amore, Armand-

Sunday, January 16, 2005

You Dance Like A Fighter

How is your other life?
The life that keeps you away in the east.
That earns you all those miles.
That feeds your mania.
That looses your weight.
In Sponge-Bob motel rooms.
In the wrong time.

How is your wife?
The wife who stays behind.
Who loves to smile.
Who feeds your mania.
Who is now sixty six.
Knows all the details, but can't see the truth.
Knows the right time in a clean house.

How was your flight?
The flight you always take.
That leaves you alone.
That sips your drink.
That lets you sleep.
Where your cell phone must remain unused.
Where you can rest on the ropes, between blows, before the bell rings again.


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