Armand Poetry

Welcome to Armand Poetry. The poems (and other words) here are composed for my own thought and amusement. Comment and discussion are welcome. -Amore, Armand-

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Emiko Don't Cry

Love was all you ever wanted
Love was all you thought you'd ever need
In the time of peace
Atoms split beneath the sea

The sea

Work was all I ever had
Work was all I ever thought I'd need
With my one good eye
You would have thought that I could see

The sea

Went with you to see the man
Gonna tell him what we want to be
But we scream and shout
We have to set our monsters free

Answers in the oxygen
Solutions in the air we breath
In the time of peace
Atoms split beneath the sea

The sea

Emiko, don't cry
You can break your promises
Emiko, don't cry
I love you

As I sink, I think of you
Love was all we thought we'd ever need
In the time of peace
Atoms split beneath the sea

The sea

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Death Prefers Coffee

Death prefers coffee over tea
Or so I am told
Due to the late nights of harvesting
The sick and the old

He drinks alone before he goes out
Or so I am told
Warmly refreshing his sinister bones
With Columbian gold

No Grandes or Doubles or modern stuff
Or so I am told
A tiny single espresso for a bony hand
Easier to hold

Death prefers coffee over tea
Or so I am told
On nights when the English's time are up
I wonder, does he drink coffee to spite them?

That would be cold